Keywords: Infosec, sysadmin, speaker, writer, event organizer, thinker.

Methods: Bridge building, crisis management, out of the box thinking, sustainability, TCO optimizing, nonprofit activities.

Finnish and English.


A good society, or any organization is based on people who do not know everything, thus they will know they need each other.

If it absolutely needs to be done and there’s nobody else around, I’ll do it, and we’ll figure out the details later. I won’t look at the clock, and when it’s done, I will rest.

I disagree, but I’d love to hear more – try to turn my head.

The specs

Education: Basic school in Tampere, Finland and Canton, Massachusetts. After that mostly self taught. Civilian security license.

Free time: Culture event organizing, blogging and other writing, classical debating, political planning, photography, cosplay, long distance walking, philantropy.

Past: There are very few ideologies and groups I haven’t been involved with. My past has seen them all and I’ve found friends in most of them. This has all made me capable of seeing the good and bad in most avenues of thought. My opinion is that I want to hear your opinion and talk about it.

Key work history

  • Technical sales, Data-Info, 1994-1997
  • NT Specialist, Tamfelt (now Valmet), 1997-2000
  • Managing editor, H-Town and Mimiko Media, 2004-2013
  • IT architect, Tammer Brands 2000-2014
  • CISO, Tammer Brands, 2014-2021

Key volunteer history

  • Founder and board member for Säätöyhteisö B2 ry, Tracon ry, Tampere Kuplii ry, registered nonprofit organizations
  • For Tracon: Operating the largest yearly culture event of Tampere hall and smaller events. Notable duties have included coordinating sponsorship, publicity, key program production in the main hall and co-head organizing during COVID pandemic. During Tracon’s rise from 2005-2019, the event budget rose from around 2 000 EUR to over 200 000 EUR, with a volunteer staff of nearly 1 000.
  • For Tampere Kuplii comics festival: Notable duties have included responsibility of technology, photography, key program production and head organizing duties during COVID pandemic.
  • For Desucon: photo studio manager from 2009-2020, paused during COVID, additionally providing tech and logistics assistance.
  • Key organizer for photography community, AMV community, regional bloggin service
  • Well over a hundred other events from 1998, including but not limited to event and pre/post duties for security, sponsorships, communication, outreach, tech (various), photo, video/stream, international contacts, venues, guests, documentation, volunteers/staff management, logistics etc., in both team leader and regular staff positions. Organizations include nonprofits, corporations, religious groups, political parties and public entities, with event sizes from dozens of people to tens of thousands.
  • Provided consultation to dozens of nonprofits in areas of infosec, data processing, international affairs, crisis management.
  • Speaker and speechwriter for just about anyone or anything – the challenge is more important than the cause. Public figures, politicians, nonprofits, activist groups, local gatherings and whatnot.
  • Organized several online events and published a guide about it during the COVID pandemic for various nonprofit entities.

Other positions

  • Enterpreneur, CEO for smaller IT businesses: Tietovelhot, Tietotunkki / Pahalammen verkot
  • Board member and security chief: As Oy Tampereen Gabro
  • Board member: As Oy Multisillanpuisto
  • Board member and secretary: Tammerkosken Kokoomus / National coalition party
  • Active member of various local municipality organized workgroups for city development in areas of security, nature, public activities, etc.